Delivering a high strength dose of vitamin C (1000 mg), with vitamin D3 (1000 IU) and zinc, ULTRA IMMUNE C provides direct and immediate support to the immune system to reduce the duration and severity of symptoms associated with the common cold.
ULTRA IMMUNE C helps to address the specific immunity challenges associated with run down athletes, as well as those struck down with illness during the colder, winter months.
This powerful combination of immunity boosting micros is delivered in a light powder with delicious tropical twist, keeping your immune system firing in even the toughest conditions.
Key Features
Contains high dosage vitamin C 1000 mg.
1000 IU of vitamin D3 + 15 mg of zinc in each serving.
Tropical flavour.
200 g powder (40 doses).
Supports Immune system health.
Enhances immune system function.
Each 5g scoop contains:
Vitamin C - 1000 mg
Vitamin D3 - 25 μg
Zinc - 15 mg
Vitamin B2 - 1.7 mg
In the form of:
Ascorbic acid (Vit.C), Cholecalciferol (Vit.D3) and Riboflavin (Vit.B2), Zinc gluconate.
Adults: Take one (1) 5g scoop per day with 200-250ml of water. Shake well.
Food supplements should not be used as a substitute for a varied, balanced diet and a healthy lifestyle.
Keep out of reach of young children.
Contains stevia.
Free from gluten, dairy, nuts, soy and egg.
Frequently Asked Questions
How does vitamin D help with immune function?
There have been multiple studies that have correlated low vitamin D levels with increased infection and we now understand that vitamin D modulates both our innate and adaptive immune responses. This also ties into our understanding of the role seasons have in our fluctuating immune susceptibility. The cold weather we experience in winter doesn’t inherently cause a surge in influenza, but rather, the shorter days, decreased sunlight exposure leads to one thing – significantly less vitamin D – a biological breeding ground for illness susceptibility.
Why does a high training load leave you susceptible to illness?
Highly active individuals are vulnerable to illness due to the increased physiological stress incurred by their body, as well as the depletion of resources and energy needed for muscle repair. Supplementing vitamin C and zinc ensures exercise does not deplete the range of nutrients needed for the maintenance of a healthy immunity.
How does zinc actually work?
When a virus or bacteria invades your body, zinc travels to key cells that help fight against infection and ensure that inflammation does not spiral out of control. Zinc deficiency affects the production and efficiency of immune cells, resulting in decreased host defence and increased risk of inflammation. Having adequate levels of zinc means your immune system is firing at optimal levels, even when your body is fatigued from training, avoiding sickness and subsequent lost training time.
What are the impacts of vitamin C deficiency?
Deficiencies in vitamin C ultimately result in impaired immunity and a higher vulnerability to infection. Vitamin C cannot be endogenously synthesized by humans and thus, requires an external source (diet or supplementation) to be obtained. Additionally, vitamin C is a water soluble compound, meaning it has a poor ability to be retained by the body and requires regular consumption.
When's the best time to take ULTRA IMMUNE C for performance outcomes?
Taken at the very first sign of illness will give you the best chance to reduce both the length and severity of any cold or related ailment. We also see many professional athletes cycle onto this supplement when training load is extremely high (e.g preseason) as a precautionary measure for compromised immunity through physical exertion. Zinc and Vitamin C are both water soluble so can be taken on an empty stomach, it’s also best to avoid taking this around any meals or drinks containing dairy.
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