Contains soy derived substances, sulfites and sucralose.
Frequently Asked Questions
Why is PILLAR magnesium different?
Most athletes have supplemented with ‘Magnesium’ at some point in time - often trying to support sleep, muscle recovery or to fix cramping issues - yet almost all have failed to find any noticeable benefit and thus stopped. The problem is these athletes are using products not designed for them.
Pharmaceutical companies have always focused on mass sedentary populations, thus the ‘forms’ of magnesium and the potency within the formulations are not solving the need states of endurance athletes.
PILLAR’s Triple Magnesium range was purposefully curated to support sleep and muscle recovery for endurance athletes. Using leading sports science research, a selection of the most bioavailable forms of magnesium were formulated at appropriately high potency. While the pharmaceutical industry focuses on a sedentary demographic, PILLAR unapologetically supports performance outcomes.
Do endurance athletes require more magnesium?
Athletes require more. Full stop. Just like macronutrients; protein, carbohydrates, and fats, are required at greater levels for athletes. This same exists for micronutrients. Magnesium is depleted through sweat, urination, and lipolysis; all incurred at greater levels when undertaking endurance exercise. Therefore, those participating in endurance sports need to be aware that they deplete magnesium at far greater rates than sedentary people
How does magnesium aid sleep?
Magnesium is the vital micronutrient to support sleep as it is a cofactor in the hormone synthesis of serotonin which the brain transforms into melatonin.
What is magnesium (bis)glycinate?
Magnesium Bisglycinate is the combination of Magnesium bound to the amino acid, Glycine. Glycine works synergistically alongside many neurotransmitters – like GABA –to promote sleep and speed up the recovery process. It is well-tolerated and well-absorbed, unlike other forms of Magnesium (such as the cheaper, more commonly found Magnesium Oxide). For this reason, it is also far less likely to cause laxative effects or gastrointestinal stress.
When is the best time to take magnesium for performance outcomes?
The inclusion of magnesium Bisglycinate in TRIPLE MAGNESIUM, in addition to the other highly bioavailable forms, means this product supports the nervous system and helps with sleep, muscle relaxation, and overall recovery. This makes it best suited to take in the evening, about an hour or so before bed for most people.
Pillar Performance
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