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  • Orca Equip costum neopren femei

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    • Orca Equip costum neopren femei

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      EAN: 8434446214158

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  • Descriere

    Daca esti in cautarea celui mai flexibil costum entry-level pentru ape deschise, care sa te ajute sa faci tranzitia de la inot in bazin in open-water, Equip este raspunsul.


    Equip este Equip cu totul nou. Acum vine cu material de 1.5mm pe brate si umeri si cu captuseala superioara InfinitySkin. Astfel, fara riscul de a gresi, putem spune ca Equip a atins un nivel de flexibilitate si libertate a miscarii asociate pana acum cu costumele din gama intermediara.


    Panoul frontal Yamamoto SCS de 4mm extins si mai mult de la piept pana sub genunchi si combinat cu un panou tot de 4mm plasat in zona lombara, imbunatatesc pozitia corpului in apa, oferind flotabilitate sporita.


    Cu partea frontala din material complet Yamamoto SCS de 39 de celule, Equip reduce rezistenta la inaintare din timpul inotului, rezultand in timpi mai rapizi in proba! Materialul panoului folosit pe spatele cracilor face dezbracarea sa se realizeze super-rapid, economisindu-ti timp acolo unde conteaza.


    Constructia redesenata cu panouri cu mai putine cusaturi este sinonima cu elasticitatea sporita si un confort imbunatatit la costului Equip.





    Yamamoto Corporation este cel mai mai mare furnizor de material de neopren de cea mai intalta calitate. Marca sa reprezinta calitatea, tehnologia si inovatia.


    Panourile HydroLite aduc acel plus de viteza prin folosirea super rapidului SCS (Nano ICE la Predator), combinat cu o captuseala speciala ce absoarbe mai putina apa, imbunatatind flotabilitatea si ramanand in acelasi timp neted-  calitati care fac costumul foarte usor de scos in zona de tranzitie, salvand secunde pretioase.

    39 CELL

    Yamamoto 39cell este un neopren deosebit de flexibil, ce vine in sprijinul miscarii naturale din timpul inotului. 39cell are o rata de extensie de pana la 513%, ceea ce inseamna ca acest material este garantat ca iti copiaza fiecare miscare fara sa simti. Beneficiile suplimentare ale absorbtiei inexistente a apei si variatiei zero in greutate nu pot sa insemne decat un singur lucru: mai multa viteza. 39cell prezinta un raport echilibrat intre flotabilitate si flexibilitate, garantand o rezistenta excelenta a materialului, ce va trece testul timpului si a distantei, reprezentand fara indoiala cel mai bun neopren disponibil in categoria sa.


    Ceea ce este pe interior conteaza, iar captuseala unica Orca InfinitySkin joaca un rol esential in flexibilitatea costumelor noastre de top. Produs dintr-un nylon cu proprietati excelente de intindere, InfinitySkin este pozitionat strategic, acolo unde este nevoie, si permite costumului sa-ti urmeze dinamic miscarea corpului.


    Actionand ca un strat de protectie peste neoprenul cu celule inchise, Super Composite Skin (SCS) a devenit un standard in protejarea neoprenelor smoothskin pentru triatlon, reducand frecarea si crescand viteza in apa. Structura microcelulara a SCSului respinge apa cand intra in contact cu aerul si reduce rezistanta la inaintare cand intra in contact cu apa. Frecare redusa = viteza mai mare!



























      cm cm kg
    XXS 65 - 77 138 - 143 32 - 45
    XS 78 - 83 144 - 160 46 - 53
    S 83 - 89 157 - 167 54 - 61
    M 89 - 94 165 - 177 60 - 67
    L 94 - 99 170 - 185 66 - 74
    XL 99 - 104 177 - 189 73 - 79

    If you're looking for the most flexible entry-level open water swimming wetsuit to help you transition from pool swimming to open water.



    The all new Equip now features 1.5mm arms and shoulders and with the superior InfinitySkin lining this suit now achieves a range of motion and flexibility previously associated only with intermediate level wetsuits.


    An even further enlarged 4mm SCS 39cell Yamamoto front panel extending from chest to below the knee, paired with a 4mm lower back panel provides buoyancy and refines body positioning in the water.


    A front body of fully SCS-coated 39cell Yamamoto neoprene reduces friction while you swim, with the result being you go faster! A larger jersey panel at the back of the legs makes this suit super quick to get off in transition, saving you time where it counts.


    Refined panel construction with less seams now means greater stretch and comfort has been acheived in this Equip wetsuit.





      The Yamamoto Corporation is the world’s main supplier of high performance neoprene. Its seal represents quality, technology and innovation.


      39 CELL

      Yamamoto 39cell is an extremely flexible neoprene which supports an uninhibited natural swimming motion. 39cell extends to a 513% elongation rate, meaning this material is sure to move with you. Added benefits of zero water absorption and zero weight variation can mean only one thing: more speed. A fine balance between buoyancy and flexibility, 39cell is a durable material which will stand the test of time and distance, representing the best neoprene available in it’s class.



      Acting as a coating over closed-cell neoprene, Super Composite Skin (SCS) has become the benchmark for coating the smoothskin neoprene used in triathlon wetsuits, to reduce friction and increase speed through the water. The micro-cell structure of the SCS coating repels water when in contact with air and reduces surface resistance when in contact with water. Less friction = more speed!



      HydroLite panels make transition that extra bit faster using the super fast SCS (Nano ICE in the Predator) which combined with a special lining which absorbs less water to improve buoyancy while also being extremely sleek -making the suit fast to remove in transition saving you precious seconds.



      It’s what’s on the inside that counts and Orca’s unique InfinitySkin lining plays an integral part in the unbelievable flexibility of our top end wetsuits. Constructed from a high stretch nylon, InfinitySkin is strategically placed where ultimate stretch is required and allows the wetsuit to move dynamically through your swim stroke.


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    Orca Equip costum neopren femei

    Orca Equip costum neopren femei

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