Drawning from Orca´s technical fabric knowledge and Orbea´s long history of excellence in the cycling world, HIRU brings its own brand of cutting edge, high performance cycling apparel.
In these winter shorts we have reduced the seams and panels to the maximum to provide maximum comfort.
With the Thermoroubaix fabric applied, we achieve perfect warmth and breathability for the harshest days of winter.
An essential item that cannot be missing in your wardrobe.
This chamois is made of elastic microfiber with high memory foam strategically placed at the points of contact with the saddle. In addition, the density used in the different areas of the chamois is different depending on the needs required by the body area involved.
The padding that protects the perineal and ischial area reaches a maximum density of 120 kg / m³ with a thickness of only 8 mm, which makes it incredibly comfortable and calibrated to guarantee maximum protection against shocks and stresses on the road and in the mountains. .
In the most sensitive areas, the density is 60 kg/m³ and it is 4 mm thick. It has a central channel focused on the protection of the nerve endings for better support, even over the longest distances.
The lateral inserts are flexible and follow the movements of the body while pedaling, adapting to the cyclist's anatomy with maximum comfort.
Size Chart
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